Working Together to Prevent Violence

Safeguarding the future of our children and young people in the West Midlands

Our Mission

Established in 2019 and funded by the Home Office, the West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) collaborates across the public, private, voluntary and community sector to tackle the root causes of violence affecting children and young people. Our priorities are:

  • Preventing violence from happening
  • Working with communities and young people to reduce violence
  • Building local and regional partnership to enhance efforts to tackle violence
  • Using social media for good and support young people to lead the way in reducing violence across the region
  • Developing violence prevention initiatives in education


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Our Mission
Local Teams

Preventing and Reducing Violence

WM VRP lead on and support work across the region to reduce violence. We fund a range of activity and services to provide children, young people and families access to high quality, evidence-based interventions

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Explore our work and resources – making a difference locally and regionally

Hear it for yourself,
from our community

Read real stories from our community, the children and young people that we’ve helped across the West Midlands.

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"I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your support with M. M was so happy with the clothes that you got for him, his face lit up. You really did make his day. I also wanted to thank you for your support with J last week. You went the extra mile to support YJS and the young person - thank you for buying him food as he told us he had not eaten since the previous day. Alison, you go the extra mile for the children we work with – we are lucky to have you on our team 😊"
Feedback from a partner in Solihull on the work of the Solihull VRP Navigator
"I attended a webinar today by Ellie from the West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership about 'Reducing Violence Against Women and Girls'. This webinar was incredibly powerful and eye-opening. Particularly as I am currently in general practice in a very deprived area, I found this talk incredibly impactful and will definitely improve my future practice."
Feedback from an attendee – a trainee Doctor – at the VRP EMVAWG webinar
"The outreach session went absolutely amazing! It was great to see young people that regularly attend our session approach us whilst out. We managed to speak to 30 new young people, and even engaged with parents at bus stops who have never heard of CBGC, which was also very interesting. Overall, the outreach was an absolute win, and we cannot wait to continue throughout the week."
Feedback from a partner in Coventry and VRP funded outreach work in the area
"Jo’s wealth of knowledge, passion and experience is absolutely priceless, could listen to you talk all day. Very grateful for the opportunity to hear you speak today. Look forward to the series of youtube videos / podcasts you have to develop ;-) You would be an invaluable resource as a guest lecturer for Mental Health nursing degree courses. You know, if you ever have a spare moment!"
Feedback from a participant on VRP TIP training

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