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An introduction to the violence reduction partnership

Working together to reduce violence, vulnerability and exploitation in the West Midlands

This is an opportunity to take a longer term approach, to deliver a safer world for the next generation. Some of the VRU’s prevention activities involve the whole community and others are focused on supporting those most likely to be affected by violence. The aim is to keep people safe and free of violence in their lives.

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Below are the main areas where the violence reduction partnership helps aid violence reduction...

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04 / 12 / 24
Sandwell has seen a 20% drop in serious youth violence when comparing data to the same time last year. The region’s Violence Reduction Partnership has established a number of programmes…
Read article - 20% drop in serious youth violence across Sandwell
25 / 11 / 24
A pop-up careers fair, in Wolverhampton, matched up young people with training and job opportunities to help tackle the city’s high youth unemployment rates. Wolves At Work, West Midlands Ambulance…
Read article - Wolverhampton careers fair helps young people search for a brighter future
The Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands, Simon Foster, says he is pleased to see evidence that violence against women and girls is falling in our region, but…
Read article - White Ribbon Day: PCC commends work of VRP as violence against women and girls sees 10% drop
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