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An introduction to the violence reduction partnership

Working together to reduce violence, vulnerability and exploitation in the West Midlands

This is an opportunity to take a longer term approach, to deliver a safer world for the next generation. Some of the VRU’s prevention activities involve the whole community and others are focused on supporting those most likely to be affected by violence. The aim is to keep people safe and free of violence in their lives.

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Below are the main areas where the violence reduction partnership helps aid violence reduction...

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12 / 07 / 24
Young people from across the country came together in the West Midlands to share their ideas about shaping the future of policing in the UK. The event, called a Hope…
Read article - Midlands Hope Hack Empowers Young People to Shape Policing
05 / 06 / 24
Children are taking part in free boxing sessions in the West Midlands to help improve their wellbeing – and reduce the likelihood of them experiencing violence. The sessions have seen…
Read article - 1,000 children in West Bromwich benefit from free boxing and wellbeing sessions
25 / 03 / 24
Dozens of the most vulnerable young people in Wolverhampton are receiving round the clock support from specialists in a bid to reduce serious youth violence. As part of the initiative,…
Read article - £1 million scheme steering dozens of young people in Wolverhampton away from violence
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The VRP is always interested in exploring possible links and opportunities to work with others. Contact us to find out more or even just say hello…
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