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Create it. Shape it. Embrace it.

Young people across the West Midlands are making their voices heard, challenging stereotypes about their generation to showcase their true diversity, strengths, and contributions across the region.

My Tomorrow, the region’s youth-led campaign, reveals the often-unseen realities of young people’s lives to spark conversations between communities that can build understanding and lead to collaborative, positive action.

Will you join us?

At what cost?

Ash, Ty, and Sammy are dreamers; they had it all figured out, so why did it all go wrong? Like many young people across our region, they want to be listened to and valued by society, but how can they create a better tomorrow without a fair start?

Lead the movement

If you’re a young person in the West Midlands, it’s time to create change. Young people have designed and curated every part of this campaign, and we want you to join the conversation.

Sign up for the Youth Assembly at [email protected] to lead the movement, improve your community, and share your opinions and ideas to influence decision-makers.

Later in the year, a region-wide competition will call on you to submit your creative interpretations of My Tomorrow – stay tuned!

Be part of the movement

Everyone has a role to play in the movement. Whether you’re a member of the public, corporate professional, decision-maker, or youth organisation, young people need you to shape and embrace opportunities, initiatives, and environments where young people can grow and flourish.

How can you help?

Collage Art Tour

We are looking for venues to host the My Tomorrow collages as part of a region-wide tour in 2024/25. Is your workplace, community space or building suitable? Contact [email protected] for more information.

Download Free Resources

Coming soon! Stay tuned to access free resources to bring the My Tomorrow campaign to life in your community and with the young people you work with.

Youth Organisations

Could your youth organisations or group create a ‘space’ that interprets My Tomorrow to generate conversation between young people and adults in your community? Whether that space is an art piece, dance performance, or sports event contact [email protected] for more information and delivery support.

As the campaign evolves, more content will be made available here. Follow and stay updated at

Supported and funded by The West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership.

Delivered by The Youth Assembly and The Positive Youth Foundation

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The VRP is always interested in exploring possible links and opportunities to work with others. Contact us to find out more or even just say hello…
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