The Faith Alliance is a multi-faith and community-led regional network, working to equip, enable and empower communities of all faiths and none across the West Midlands to further understand and prevent violence.
Established in 2019, the network now consists of over 460 individual members, representing some 240 separate organisations, from places of worship and faith-based organisations, to statutory partners and other charities. Using our Faith Alliance Connect Directory, you can explore the wide range of violence reduction work currently being undertaken by faith communities across the West Midlands and beyond.
The network meets regularly, both in-person and online, to share best practice on how faith communities can play their part to help reduce violence, particularly violence affecting young people.
Whilst facilitated by the VRP, the Faith Alliance is community-led, with faith leaders and activists forming an Executive Group and a wider Steering Group.
In November 2023, a three-year Strategy was published following extensive consultation and co-production with faith communities and young people. The Strategy has four pillars: Listen, Connect, Act, and Share. You can hear more about the Strategy’s four pillars in the short video below:
In March 2024, the VRP announced that it would be investing £100,000 in the Faith Alliance to deliver Year 1 of the Strategy. In May 2024, following further consultation, Action Plans were published which outlined proposed projects and interventions that would the Faith Alliance would like to commission.
To apply for these funds, please visit our Tendering Opportunities page.
Join the Faith Alliance network
To join the Faith Alliance network, please email the VRP at [email protected]