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The rapid spread of COVID19 and the changes that we’ve all had to make to our lives have caused unprecedented challenges in the education sector.

We want to support professionals in their work with children and families to enable you to respond as effectively as possible to the adversity, trauma and loss that many have experienced over the last few months.

These resources offer support for those working with children and families and are freely available to download and share.

Please contact the VRU if you would like these resources translated into different languages.


Download 1.-Welcome_Page

Download 1.A-Dr-Dan-Siegel-Window-of-Tolerance

Download 1.B-Notes-on-the-Window-of-Tolerance

Download 1.C-Reference-Point-A-to-Z-of-Childood-Difficulty

Download 2.-7-Minute-Briefing-ACEs

Download 3.-7-Minute-Briefing-Covid-19-Impact

Download 4.-7-Minute-Briefing-Trauma-Informed-Practice

Download 5.-Talking-to-Children-about-Coronavirus-Handout-for-Parents

Download 6.-Talking-to-Teenagers-About-Coronavirus-Handout-for-Parents

Download 7.-Communicating-with-Familes

Download 8.-Staff-Wellbeing-compressed

Download 9.-Supporting-Emotional-Regulation-compressed

Download 10.-Primary-Transitions-and-COVID-19-compressed

Download 11.-Secondary-Transition-and-COVID-19


Download 13.-Supporting-Children-in-Care-compressed

Download 14.-Young-People-at-risk-of-Permanent-Exclusion-compressed

Download 15.-How-to-Implement-Trauma-Informed-Practice-in-your-Organisation

Download 16.-Resources-Page-compressed

Download WMVRU-barnardos-coronavirus-support_child

Download WMVRU-barnardos-coronavirus-support_teenager

In the future, we are hoping to build a trauma informed education toolkit that practitioners can add to as well as share. Additional material will be added as it is developed and where evidence based practice is identified, that will be included, as part of this resource bank.  If there is particular information or support that you would like to see featured, or you have suggestions that we can share with other professionals, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing [email protected]

Over the next few months we are building our team of education professionals to help support schools and colleges across the West Midlands region, linking in with the Schools and Police Liaison Panels, and will be in touch to work with you on refining what this offer looks like – please get in touch if you want to know more.

A free online Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences Early Trauma Online Learning can be found here

Extra Resources

Coping with stress. The children of key workers

Download Coping with stress. The children of key workers
Return to school action plan

Download Return to school action plan
Measuring and monitoring children and young people’s mental wellbeing

Download Measuring and monitoring children and young people’s mental wellbeing

National Centre for Children and Families:

Resources for nursery and primary schools: Tizz Time:

Many leading professionals are beginning to release stories appropriate for children. This may help give some structure to the conversations with children, and may also provide us with some reassurance that what we are telling them is appropriate.

Use trusted sources of information for supporting your teenagers. There are also a number of excellent blogs and guides on this topic, which have been summarised to produce the guides above. You may want to start with the superb Dr Liz Gregory:

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The VRP is always interested in exploring possible links and opportunities to work with others. Contact us to find out more or even just say hello…
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